Association Moving Into New Home - Open House on March 23rd
We are very proud to announce that we have a NEW HOME in Tulsa! We have set up an office and a shop in the back of the Renaissance Event Center in Tulsa at 2620 E 11th Street. It’s right next to the historic Campbell Hotel - and this little building has a bit of history, too.
Our front door includes an ornate iron gate, a vestige from the many years the space served Weimann Iron Works. Stay tuned for more information about a mural and a neon sign!
Built in the late 1930s next to Max Campbell's Casa Loma Hotel, the building originally served as a local factory for the Des Moines-based Dixie Popt Corn Company. Allen A. Sperling, operator, sold the French Fried Popt Corn in hundreds of locations throughout the region, including a shop in the Casa Loma building next door. The factory also made Zimzs Potato Chips.
In 1953, the building was expanded and renovated as the sales room and service garage for Karl Johnston's Tulsa Nash Company. Later, it housed Shafer's Tire and Appliance Center. In 1958 it became the new home of Ernest Wiemann Iron Works, which had been a Tulsa staple since 1940. Ernest owned and operated his custom forging business for a total of 57 years before selling it to Doug Bracken, who continued the operation in the same location.
Article from the Tulsa World courtesy of
It became the Renaissance Square Event Center in 2012 in partnership with the Campbell Hotel next door, and continues to operate as such today as part of Tulsa’s vibrant Market District.
Just around the corner of 11th and Birmingham, facing the parking lot behind the Campbell Hotel, is our entrance. You can’t miss the big iron door! In addition to an office for our Executive Director and Association records, we have a dedicated space for travel information and Oklahoma Route 66 merchandise.
Grand Opening is on March 23rd from 10 to 4! In partnership with Tulsa’s Magic City Books, author and historian Michael Wallis will be there from 12-2 signing copies of his book Route 66: The Mother Road along with 66 on 66 by photographer Terry Moore, which has a foreword from Michael. Live Music will be provided by Jim Tate, light snacks will be provided, and more! Come check it out!
We will welcome any and all to stop by and visit our new location afterwards, but give us a call first. Office hours will be by appointment only until we have a new Executive Director in place or a strong roster of volunteers. If you live in the Tulsa area and are interested in volunteering to greet travelers, please reach out to us by phone or e-mail!